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longer phrases 1 / Locutions plus longues 1

English to French phrases

Take a look at the English to French phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English French
phrase comment phrase comment
If I am not mistaken Si je ne me trompe pas
That seems like fun to me Cela me paraît amusant
We are both satisfied Nous sommes tous les deux satifaits e
If it goes well Si cela se passe bien
We enjoyed ourselves Nous nous sommes amusés
You are lucky with the weather Tu as de la chance avec le temps
to be occupied with Etre occupé à
She is involved with the theatre Elle est impliquée dans le théâtre
We are mad about ... On est dingue de ...
He couldn't stand it Il ne pouvait pas le supporter
To be mistaken se tromper
If I am not mistaken Si je ne me trompe pas