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to do and to seem / Κάνω και φαίνομαι

English to Greek phrases

Take a look at the English to Greek phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Greek
phrase comment phrase comment
I do Εγώ κάνω
You do Εσύ κάνεις
It does Αυτό κάνει
We do Εμείς κάνουμε
You do plural Εσείς κάνετε
They do Αυτοί κάνουν
I seem Εγώ φαίνομαι
You seem Εσύ φαίνεσαι
It seems Αυτό φαίνεται
We seem Εμείς φαινόμαστε
You seem plural Εσείς φαίνεστε
They seem Αυτοί φαίνονται