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English to Mandarin phrases

Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
phrase 词组 cí zŭ
sentence 句子 jù zĭ
punctuation 标点 biāo diăn
expression phrase 措辞 cuò cí 词组 - cí zŭ
letter of the alphabet 字母 zì mŭ 字母表中的 - zì mŭ biăo zhōng de
paragraph 段落 duàn luò
chapter zhāng
contents of a book 目录 mù lù 书的 - shū de
index of a book 索引 suŏ yĭn 书的 - shū de
title of a book 标题 biāo tí 书的 - shū de
dialogue 对话 duì huà