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short phrases 1 / 短惯用语1

English to Mandarin phrases

Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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(You must type every answer)
English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
That's right 对了 duì le
That's not bad 不错 bú cuò
It's a pleasure 很荣幸 hěn róng xìng
At your service 乐意效劳 lè yì xiào láo
Thanks very much 非常感谢 fēi cháng găn xiè
Not at all 别客气 bié kè qì
How can I help you 需要帮忙吗? xū yào bāng máng ma?
I'm sorry 对不起 duì bù qĭ
Just to be sure 确定 què dìng
I think so 我同意 wŏ tóng yì
That depends 不一定 bù yī dìng
Good idea 好主意 hăo zhŭ yì
Let's go 我们走吧 wŏ mén zŏu ba
I am full 我吃饱了 wŏ chī băo le
I am hungry 我饿了 wŏ è le
I am thirsty 我渴了 wŏ kě le