English to Mandarin phrases and vocabulary exercises

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Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
soap 肥皂 féi zào
toothpaste 牙膏 yá gāo
bath 沐浴 mù yù
shower 淋浴 lín yù
towel 毛巾 máo jīn
toothbrush 牙刷 yá shuā
mirror 镜子 jìng zĭ
shampoo 洗发液 xĭ fà shuĭ
flannel 法兰绒衣服 fă lán róng yī fú
dental floss 牙线 yá xiàn
toilet paper 手纸 shŏu zhĭ