English to Mandarin phrases and vocabulary exercises

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Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
birth 出生 chū shēng
toddler 小孩 xiăo hái
childhood 童年 tóng nián
adolescence 青春期 qīng chūn qī
graduation 毕业 bì yè
birthday 生日 shēng rì
career 事业 shì yè
engagement 订婚 dìng hūn
marriage 婚姻 hūn yīn
divorce 离婚 lí hūn
middle aged 中年 zhōng nián
retirement 退休 tuì xiū
old aged 老年 lăo nián
death 死亡 sĭ wáng
school years 学年 xué nián