English to Mandarin phrases and vocabulary exercises

previous(previous list)numbers and fractions / 数目和分数 next(next list)

Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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(You must type every answer)
English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
divisor 除数 chú shù
fraction 分数 fēn shù
inverse 逆元 nì yuán
numerator 分子 fēn zĭ
quotient 商数 shāng shù
denominator 分母 fēn mŭ
multiple 倍数 bèi shù
prime 质数的 zhì shù de
product 乘积 chéng jī
reciprocal 相互的 xiāng hù de