English to Mandarin phrases and vocabulary exercises

previous(previous list)moral qualities / 道德品质 next(next list)

Take a look at the English to Mandarin phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Mandarin
phrase comment phrase Pinyin comment
good 好的 hăo de
bad 坏的 huài de
evil 邪恶 xié è
right 正确的 zhèng què de
wrong 错误的 cuò wù de
virtue 美德 měi dé
sinfulness 可耻 kě chĭ
innocence 清白 qīng bái
guilt 罪行 zuì xíng
respect 尊重 zūn zhòng
contempt 轻视 qīng shì