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English to Catalan phrases and vocabulary exercises

conversation / Conversació
Take a look at the English to Catalan phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

(No typing required)

(You must type every answer)

English Catalan
phrase comment phrase comment
Hello Hola
My name is Joseph El meu nom és Josep
What is your name? Com et dius?
How are you? Com estàs?
I am fine Estic bé
Goodbye Adéu
Thank you Gràcies
Please Si us plau
Where are you from? D'on ets?
I am from France Sóc de França
Sorry! Perdó!
Please can you help me? Em pots ajudar, si us plau? pot
Excuse me Perdona
Can I help you? Et puc ajudar? El