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English to Japanese phrases and vocabulary exercises

bedroom / 寝室

Take a look at the English to Japanese phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Japanese
phrase comment phrase Romaji comment
bed 寝台 shindai しんだい
sheet シーツ shîtsu しーつ
pillow makura まくら
blanket 毛布 môfu もうふ
duvet 羽根布団 hanebuton はねぶとん
wardrobe ワードローブ wâdorôbu わーどろーぶ
alarm clock 目覚まし時計 mezamashi dokei めざましどけい
bedside lamp 寝台脇のランプ shindai wakino ranpu しんだいわきのらんぷ