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English to Japanese phrases and vocabulary exercises

house / 家

Take a look at the English to Japanese phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Japanese
phrase comment phrase Romaji comment
bathroom 浴室 yokushitsu よくしつ
toilet 洗面所 senmenjo せんめんじょ
bedroom 寝室 shinshitsu しんしつ
kitchen 台所 daidokoro だいどころ
garden niwa にわ
garage 車庫 shako しゃこ
roof 屋根 yane やね
chimney 煙突 entotsu えんとつ
study 書斎 shosai しょさい
staircase 階段 kaidan かいだん
window mado まど
living room 居間 ima いま
front door 玄関口 genkan げんかん
back door 裏口 uraguchi うらぐち