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English to Japanese phrases and vocabulary exercises

transport / 交通

Take a look at the English to Japanese phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Japanese
phrase comment phrase Romaji comment
boat ボート bôto ぼーと
ship fune ふね
train 列車 ressha れっしゃ
airport 空港 kûkon くうこう
flight 飛行便 hikôbin ひこうびん
harbour minato みなと
plane 飛行機 hikôki ひこうき
reservation 予約 yoyaku よやく
ticket 切符 kippu きっぷ
railway carriage 客車 kyakusha きゃくしゃ
check-in チェックイン chekku in ちぇっくいん
customs import export 税関 zeikan ぜいかん