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English to Catalan phrases and vocabulary exercises

short phrases 1 / Frases curtes 1
Take a look at the English to Catalan phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

(No typing required)

(You must type every answer)

English Catalan
phrase comment phrase comment
That's right Correcte!
That's not bad No està malament!
It's a pleasure És un plaer!
At your service Al teu servei
Thanks very much Moltes gràcies!
Not at all De res!
How can I help you Com et puc ajudar?
I'm sorry Ho sento!
Just to be sure Només per estar segur
I think so Estic d'acord
That depends Aixó depèn
Good idea Bona idea!
Let's go Anem
I am full Estic tip!
I am hungry Tinc gana
I am thirsty Tinc set