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English to Czech phrases

Take a look at the English to Czech phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Czech
phrase comment phrase comment
If I am not mistaken Pokud se nemýlím
That seems like fun to me Připadá mi to zábavné
We are both satisfied Jsme oba spokojeni
If it goes well Pokud to půjde dobře
We enjoyed ourselves Užili jsme si to
You are lucky with the weather Máte štěstí s počasím
to be occupied with být zaneprázdněný s
She is involved with the theatre Angažuje se v divadle
We are mad about ... Šílíme z ...
He couldn't stand it Nemohl to vystát
To be mistaken Mýlit se
If I am not mistaken Pokud se nemýlím