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English to Czech phrases

Take a look at the English to Czech phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Czech
phrase comment phrase comment
That seems like fun to me To vypadá zábavně
Are you homesick? Stýská se ti?
I feel really at home Cítím se opravdu jako doma
On your own initiative Z vlastní iniciativy
While I think of it Než si to rozmyslím
Practice makes perfect Opakování matka moudrosti
I didn't look out Nedával jsem pozor
It doesn't seem very serious To nevypadá moc vážně
what the buzz is co je ten šum
It's just my job To je jen moje práce
To die from an accident Zemřít na následky nehody
I agree with you Souhlasím s tebou