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English to Japanese phrases and vocabulary exercises

numbers and fractions / 数(かず)と分数

Take a look at the English to Japanese phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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English Japanese
phrase comment phrase Romaji comment
divisor 序数 josû じょすう
fraction 分数 bunsû ぶんすう
inverse 反比例 hanpire'i はんぴれい
numerator 分子 bunshi ぶんし
quotient shô しょう
denominator 分母 bunbo ぶんぼ
multiple 掛け算 kakezan かけざん
prime 素数 sosû そすう
product seki せき
reciprocal 逆数 gyakusû ぎゃくすう